
The Growing Redhill committee met for an Annual General Meeting on 29th June 2024. At this meeting, we agreed, that as it was so hard to recruit a chairperson, that we would change all reference to chair in the Constitution.


On the 29th June 2024 the following Officers were elected:

Co-ordinator to be recruited into the role.

Treasurer, Membership Secretary, and Event Organiser - Karen Murray.

Secretary – Drummond Richardson

Committee Member – Liz Braines


The association shall be known as "Growing Redhill", hereinafter referred to as a Not-for-Profit Community Gardening Group.


The objectives of The Community Gardening Group, which will operate within the geographic boundary of Redhill and surrounding areas, shall include:


All income arising from the general business of the association and all subscriptions received shall be used for the accomplishment of the objects of The Community Gardening Group.



The Community Gardening Group will do the following to achieve its objectives:


Membership of The Community Gardening Group shall consist of such persons whose application for membership are approved by the Committee of Management and have fully paid their subscriptions. Members have the right to vote at general meetings and AGMs. The membership year shall run from 1 September to 31 August. The membership fee entitles the member to insurance cover. Cover does not extend to personal injury.

Membership will be automatically cancelled if a member is deemed to be acting in a manner that contravenes the Constitution of The Community Gardening Group. In this case, the Co-ordinator's decision is final. An issue should also trigger a message to The Community Gardening Group's other members.

The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a register of the names and addresses of members, the date at which they joined and the date at which they left. Membership shall automatically be cancelled if a member’s subscription is more than two months in arrears. An Officer will attempt to contact the member in three different ways to ensure they are aware of the problem. A member may withdraw from the association by sending written notice to the Secretary and any subscription paid by that member shall be forfeited in the absolute discretion of the Committee of Management. Any member aggrieved by the action of the Committee of Management may appeal to the next AGM whose decision shall be final. Any member changing address shall notify the Secretary in writing (an email will suffice).



The Governance of The Community Gardening Group shall be at the AGM and the day-to-day management of its affairs shall be delegated to a Committee of Management.


Committee of Management

The Committee of Management may operate with a minimum of two Officers. Its officer roles consist of, as a minimum, a Co-Ordinator, Secretary and Treasurer. The Co-Ordinator and Secretary roles may be shared between other Officers. The minimum operating capacity is therefore two Committee Members. All Committee Members must be paid up members of The Community Gardening Group. The Co-ordinator will help The Community Gardening Group to achieve their aims and conduct meetings. The Secretary will keep members informed, keep paperwork and records and prepare agendas for meetings and take minutes. The Treasurer will keep accounts, open a bank account, manage expenses payments and make financial reports to the Committee of Management. The Officers shall be elected annually at the AGM. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a register of the names and addresses of Officers, the date at which they were elected and the date at which they resigned.


Equal Opportunities

The Community Gardening Group will strive to avoid intentional and unintentional discrimination against any group or individual on any grounds. The Community Gardening Group will work to ensure that its services are accessible to people who are disadvantaged or discriminated against in society by virtue of their sex, race, ethnic origin, disability, marital status, age, sexual orientation, religious belief or by reason of their geography and acknowledges that services may need to be changed in order to ensure this.


No political or sectarian subject may be discussed. At least three activities by The Community Gardening Group shall be held each year. The Secretary shall summon all meetings giving at least ten days’ notice of such meetings and circulating the agenda at least 48hrs prior to the meeting. Each member of the Management Committee is entitled to one vote. Voting shall be by a show of hands and by a simple majority. The AGM shall be held within five months of year-end. * The Secretary shall summon the AGM giving at least fourteen days’ notice of such meetings and circulating the agenda for the meeting.


The following business shall be transacted at the AGM:

*Should it be impossible to meet members in person and/ or hold an AGM, due to Government restrictions around a pandemic or similar significant event(s), then activities may be cancelled, and the AGM may be postponed or cancelled, therefore a written report issued together with a statement of accounts and Treasurer's and Co-ordinator's reports issued to members.

The Co-ordinator shall normally preside at all meetings and a quorum shall be two voting members. Voting shall be by a show of hands and by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Co-ordinator shall have the casting vote in addition to his or her vote. Should a meeting or AGM not be quorate, the Co-ordinator may offer members a proxy vote on a decision(s) and allow fourteen days’ notice for their votes to be cast. Only paid-up members and honorary members are entitled to vote at either the AGM or a special general meeting.



The Treasurer shall have care of all the funds of The Community Gardening Group and shall bank all (except petty cash) in the name of The Community Gardening Group. The Treasurer shall give financial statements at all Committee Meetings and prepare a Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet for the AGM. All cheques to be signed by two signatories. The Financial Year shall end on 31 March of each year. Any member having an interest in the funds of The Group shall be allowed to inspect the account of his or her dealings with the Community Gardening Group.


Alteration of Rules

No rules may be altered except at an AGM, or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose, of which fourteen days’ notice must be given. Members must submit proposals for alteration to the Rules to the Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the date of the AGM or a Special General Meeting.

Other Matters

Any matter not covered by these Rules shall be determined by the Committee of Management and will be binding until rescinded or agreed at the next AGM.



The Community Gardening Group may at any time be dissolved by those eligible to vote. At least twenty-one clear days' notice shall have been sent, via post, to all members of The Community Gardening Group regarding this dissolution. Instructions for the disposal of any funds and non-cash assets held by or in the name of The Community Gardening Group, shall not be paid to or distributed among the members but will be transferred to such other institution or institutions within the designated area having objects similar to that of The Community Gardening Group.