Join us

Annual membership costs just £5.00.  The membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August. 

The objectives of your Community Gardening Group, in Redhill and surrounding areas, are:

To promote the gardening interests of our members

To pass on gardening knowledge

To use wildlife friendly methods of gardening

To enable individuals and groups, for example schools in the local community, to participate in gardening activities.

As a member, you will receive our next newsletter and news of upcoming activities. Members have the right to vote at meetings and AGMs. 

You may pay by cash, cheque or Postal Order (payable to Growing Redhill) to any of our committee members

Please make sure to provide your contact details with any payment, so we may send you a membership form to complete to admin@growingredhill.couk thank you.

Data Protection Policy

This policy is dated January 2023

Growing Redhill Policy


Data Protection Policy


The aim of this policy is to assure our members that the personal information we hold is held and stored in accordance with GDPR. This is enforced by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).


The information that we hold about you has been provided by you when you joined Growing Redhill or by you when you updated the original information.


Information is stored on a password protected computer system and/or paper system. Access to either system is strictly limited to the Chairperson and the Membership Secretary.


The data that we will hold consists of: Name, address, telephone number (landline/mobile), email and a contact telephone number for your emergency contact.


The information is only used to contact you on Growing Redhill’s business, to include renewal of membership, a quarterly newsletter and special events that we would wish to bring to your attention. The data would never be shared with any other organisation and is not kept after your membership ceases.


You may request to see your data by email to